Poster Awards for EUCHIS Conferences
The European Chitin Society provides poster awards for the posters presented at the EUCHIS meetings since 2006.
The applications will be evaluated by the award committee. The following criteria with respect to the poster presentation will be evaluated:
1. Scientific quality
2. Quality, structure and organization of the poster presentation
The awards will be announced at the closing ceremony of the conference, and the award will subsequently be sent to the presenting author of the poster presentation. It is the responsibility of the authors of the awarded poster to reach an agreement on dividing the awarded money among the authors.
A summary of the awarded poster presentation together with a brief personal profile (including a photograph of the winner) are to be submitted by each prize winner to the EUCHIS secretary for publication in the EUCHIS Newsletter.
Posters awarded at the 10th ICCC/7th EUCHIS
Posters awarded at the 8th EUCHIS conference (2007)
Posters awarded at the 9th EUCHIS conference (2009)
Posters awarded at the 10th EUCHIS conference (2011)
Posters awarded at the 11th EUCHIS conference (2013)
Posters awarded at the 12th EUCHIS conference / 13th ICCC (2015)
Posters awarded at the 13th EUCHIS conference / 8th SIAQ (2017)